Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Another Trip to Washington DC and Rising to the Occasion of Patriotism

On my recent trip to Washington DC with my adult children, I asked my 23 year old daughter if staring at the capital caused her to feel patriotic.  She paused and then said something like, "not really".

We toured the Air and Space museum and I looked on in awe remembering the space race and John F. Kennedy inspiring a nation.  My adult children saw something that has been there their entire lives.

At the fence today, on my way home from the evening walk, my neighbor called me over and asked if I was watching the Olympic Games.  I told her I had watched the Russian figure skaters and what an inspiration it was for the young man to win the gold.  His story being one of rags to riches.  She said she remembered as a girl how exciting the Olympic games were.  We would all crowd around the television like it was the evening news with Walter_Cronkite. It was a big deal and we rooted for our country - the US of A.

We pondered on why the patriotism level is diminished, or at least we perceive it that way.  I suggested that it is because the generations have no one unifying goal.  In a world where we can unite faster than ever before -on line for a reason, we also can lose focus just as fast.

In the pre-computer days, we waited all year for the winter Olympics to show on the t.v.  We had reason to look forward. Long cold winters, short days, long nights. Catholic school.   Now, the everyday question can be answered in seconds and you can watch so much live, without wait or editing.  Our feed us now, feed us more, feed us quickly generation is not as easily inspired over the long run.

That discussion moved to Obama and his inspiration then transmigration to one of them, one of the every day.  He lost the magic moment, not because he is not inspirational (although I leave that to the pundits) but because he lost the one simple message repeated and rejoiced and repeated.

Kennedy had the luxury of the space race.  Obama inherited wars, the debt, and the oh so many lagging conservatives.  He also had healthcare for all.  Basic human dignity for all. His message got lost in websites and taxes.  He started to give in here and give a bit there.  He lost the message of basic health care for all.  He lost his short attention-span fans, because he left his message for something none of us really understand.  Funny, he had the insurance companies with him.  And he is still changing it, delaying it.  Diluting the message and his history.  And perhaps, though not all his responsibility, diluting the youth patriotism.

Patriotism is not just about loyalty, it is about inspiration, tears, willingness to step us, protection, love, and the future and the past.  Our young people need to believe they have a future, a country that encourages them and a place where vision, bravery and risk pay off.  They need the 2015 version of go west young man.  I don't know where these leaders and ideas that inspire will come from, but I know they are out there. The youth want to believe in a cause, in truth and justice.  But they don't want to wait.  They want immediate 2014 on line feedback that they are worth it and their accomplishments meaningful.  They want to be recognized for their own wild wild west.  Because this is America, and there will always be a cowboy or girl to take us to the new frontier.

Monday, April 14, 2014

of a passion for your vocation and snakes

Update on the Snake Bite Victim:

I know some people want to hear the whole story of how and why Charles was bitten by a snake after handling them for many years.... I cannot take away the story that is surely his to tell.  I can't wait to hear the version in five years.  I am sure it will involve snow, hills, and perhaps a long struggle.

But the real answer is statistics.  He just finally lost to the odds.  Do something long enough and something will happen, especially with animals (and reptiles).

He of course was aware of what to do and what the identity was, etc.  He was doing what he has always done, learn and watch and try to educate others about the wildlife in Florida.

The update is that he is doing so much better.  His finger has reduced in size to the equivalent of a very fat cigar.  It is still wearing the purple badge of honor which will deteriorate as the bruised tissue is replaced.  He will probably regain total movement (though now it is a little stiff).

He is a very lucky man and had wonderful people to assist him in his moment of need.  Of course, he is back fishing and wandering the woods, and parks and waterways.  And of course there will be more snakes - hopefully of the red rat variety though.....

Thank you for your concern and thoughts.

Part One:  Most of us work 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year.  That is 2000 hours a year, almost a third of your time and over half your waking time.

So lucky the ones who choose a vocation or a calling rather than a job.  Lucky those who have a passion and are able to do it for a living.  I know so few who chose what they love to do as a way to earn a living. So if you are one, then you have my admiration and my envy.

This is never so evident as in the healthcare field.  There are those doctors, nurses, pharmacists, phlebotomists, and nurse assistants that make you feel  like you are a person that matters.  They make you know that your pain is not their goal.  They make you know that the pain that you feel is recognized, that there is empathy.

The needle in the arm for the tenth time finds no veins.  The veins can be "fished" for or they can roll.  But, the truth is, the search for the vein can be done with gentle finesse or with the careless skill of a novice.  And of course, there has to be a novice.  I wonder how they select the novice tasks... "follow me and do what I do" or "follow me and you can learn on those with the least pain"...?

The difference in those paths are simple, the one who is passionate about providing the best care with the least pain, and those who want to get the job done. 

Neither are truly wrong.  But the difference is amazing.  And who do you want leading the next generation to provide care?  the passionate caregiver or the functional performer?

It is not fair to make someone who is truly good at their craft an automatic leader or teacher.  Not everyone has that knack.  But when you find the two combined, you have true inspiration!  Think back on your best learning experience.  I promise the person was truly excited about their topic and couldn't wait to tell you all about their knowledge.  It is funny, but my husband and my father are examples of people who were passionate about their fields and could not wait to share their interest with others.

This weekend my husband went to the ER with a snake bite.  A water moccasin snake bite.
 For those who are not normally involved with poisonous snakes, that is a hemotoxic bite:

Hemotoxic venom radically attacks blood and tissue cells causing traumatic damage to the area which received the bite. In some cases the after effects are so bad the patient may require skin grafts due ttissue degeneration and muscle damage.  Hemotoxic venom works by preventing the body’s blood supply from coagulating, therefore causing bite victims to experience large amounts of blood loss. 

" The victim’s limbs quickly start swelling as the body resists the effects of the cottonmouth snake venom. The swelling is as a result of body fluids collecting around the bite area which gradually spreads to other body parts. The swollen body parts redden followed by severe itching " according to cottonmouthsnake.org  and snakebite trauma  

The experience in a medical facility is dependent on the experience of the staff with the specific trauma.  It was very interesting to see the staff respond, calling poison control center, following the protocol and keeping the indicators recorded.  There was a huge difference in confidence when a doctor with experience with snake venom talked about treatment and those who were just following protocol.  It was a confidence issue as much as a credibility issue.  We were fortunate to have a doctor who had learned from cobra bites...  she exuded confidence, control and knowledge.  How fortuitous. 

And back to the beginning, she not only knew the treatment, but told me the patient would not change.  That there were more snakes in his future.  Hopefully, no more poisonous bites though.  She smiled at me with the knowing, " I have a recalcitrant husband too" look.

Between the doctor and the kind phlebotomist, the nurses who helped pass time all night, the difference in those who chose their passion, and those who chose a job was clear. And lest there be any doubt, I a grateful to both. It's just a little more fun, a little more certain, a little more reassuring to have the ones who are passionate and skilled.
Thank you to all those who helped at #CCRMC 
