Saturday, January 23, 2010

my little pink house moves to Madison

telling the truth to a partner

Chiacchia charged with not telling sex partner about HIV

Of course, I can't verify the veracity of either party in this article, but I can say it is a crying shame that aftr all the effort to reach a place of respect, we would treat each other this way. Its a shame it has to be a law and a shame it has to be a public discussion.

worst weather week

Aside from the fact that last week we had freezing temps with chicken coop wrapped and dogs tucked in the barn, this week it was rains of the tropics. There were 45 mile an hour winds, tornadoes clearing a swath 7 miles long and flooded lots everywhere. Even the interstate turned into a pool of mud and over flowing ponds.

I hope the next week or two improves. I could use some sun shine on a weekend day and just laying on warm boards of the deck, with my eyes closed and my toes bare.